Monday, January 2, 2012

Crazy,Stupid Love..:D

Love – “The more easy it comes, the more shallow it builds!!” And while I was thinking on these lines, my mind buzzed…and said – “The more easy it comes, the more doubts I have!!”:D

Considering the way we are moving in life, I do get a doubt what love actually is!! I see my friends having “best pals” whom they call “special one”.They see twinkle stars in their special one’s eyes; pretty romantic though, but most importantly, love that comes easy, leaves pain in a tough way.

Love has seen its own trend. From “one and only one forever” to “variety is a spice of life”, perspective of people keeps on changing and interestingly people move on fast.:D Wonder if this is due to the lesson taught by our teachers/parents(love everybody!!!):P or it’s a trend of its own!! Whatever could be the reason, but when it comes to guys (like me) they just like to be known as “Khulla Saand”.

Girls cry!! Possibly the best way to forget past and start new. And Guys have selective memory (probability to remember ex depends on how beautiful was she and how good time he had).:D

It’s been years I am trying to find my kind of love(I don’t know what actualy this “kind” is..:D), started from the last bench of the college/school to death driven cubicles in office :P. And at this funny age, it’s very hard to differentiate between love, crush and lust. Since the later two are more of degraded terms, love wins the battle. It’s pious to say “I love you” than saying “I lust for you”..:P But for me it was always love, no matter how long it was for. Although the probability of a switch was always linked to who’s-who gives the signal. Signal?? Just a smile, we guys don’t keep high expectations as girls do!! One smile and we are flat… doston ki bhabhi ban jaati hai woh kudi..:P

Always wondered how could I fall in love(??) so many times, and then the angel in me answers – “Love is eternal, and one should never stop yourself loving anyone…Err, but when it’s a time for a break-up, please do use the two degraded terms for your rescue”. :P. Life is so simple when you listen to your heart but take decisions with your mind.

And then, after a shiny day, there is always a chilling night, like the entry of old villain “The Break Up” after love!! I have seen guys taking Break-up as something like “2012-ETOW”!! People get drowned in the Tsunami of sorrows, budding Devdas emerge making the likes of Mallayas more rich. And interestingly after so much of turmoil in life, people still do fall in love again. Agree Break-ups are part of life, but what makes the mind to slip again when you know that Devdas role suits only Shahrukh better(Or may be Dilip Saab).:D

I heard people saying it’s the only feeling when you smile even when you are sitting on a burning stove. Love makes one to be what you are not and people in love say, it’s worth it! I say – I doubt it!:D